Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council

3rd Floor - Council Chambers
315 Jespersen Ave
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3E8
Members Present:
  • Mayor Acker
  • Councillor Carter
  • Councillor Gillett
  • Councillor MacDonald
  • Councillor Oldham
  • Councillor Stevenson
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Houston
Also in Attendance:
  • Dean Screpnek, City Manager
  • David Wolanski, General Manager of Community and Protective Services
  • Jamie Doyle, General Manager of Sustainable Growth and Development Services
  • Wendy Boje, General Manager of Strategic and Communication Services
  • Zeeshan Hasan, General Manager of Corporate Services
  • Carol Bergum, Director of Planning and Development
  • Jennifer Hetherington, Director of Corporate Communications
  • Maggie DesLauriers, Director of Strategy and Policy Development
  • Emily Strach, Manager of Strategy and Policy Development
  • Marlin Degrand, Manager of Enforcement Services
  • Carissa Chan, Policy Analyst
  • Christina Kortmeyer, Senior Long-Range Planner
  • Sean Renaud, Strategic Initiatives Lead
  • Lindsay O'Mara, City Clerk
  • Karie Nothof, Recording Secretary

Mayor Acker called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and acknowledged that City Council meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 territory.

Councillor Carter proclaimed September 9 - 15, 2024 as Terry Fox Week and Mayor Acker proclaimed September 10, 2024 as World Suicide Prevention Day.



The following changes were made to the agenda:

  • Move Item 6 - Closed Session to follow the Public Input Session, which will become Item 7, the Public Input Session will then become Item 6;
  • Move Item 6.2 - Accessibility Initiatives Update to follow item 16 - Notices of Motion, as Item 17.1;
  • Add Closed Session Item - 17.2 - Land Matter to follow 17.1 Accessibility Initiatives Update; and
  • Add Item 18.1 - Business Arising from Closed Session.
  • Resolution:RCM-224-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-225-24
    Moved by:Councillor Oldham

    THAT the recommendations contained in the following reports be approved:

    Item 4.1 Minutes - August 26, 2024 Regular Council Meeting

    Item 12.1 C-1358-24 - Community Standards Bylaw Amendment - First Reading

    Unanimously Carried

The following motion was approved on the Consent Agenda:

  • THAT the August 26, 2024 Regular Council Meeting be approved as presented.

Mayor Acker called the Public Hearing to order at 6:06 p.m. on C-1338-24 - The Shape of our Community - Municipal Development Plan Bylaw.

Carol Bergum, Director of Planning and Development, presented on C-1338-24 - The Shape of our Community - Municipal Development Plan Bylaw.

David Ibsen of Spruce Grove attended virtually to speak to this item.

The City Clerk read a written submission on behalf of Reverend David Fisher of Spruce Grove.

There were no other written or other verbal submissions received.

Council thanked everyone for attending and speaking to this Public Hearing.

Mayor Acker declared the Public Hearing closed at 6:23 p.m.

  • Resolution:RCM-226-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT second reading be given to C-1338-24 - The Shape of Our Community - Municipal Development Plan Bylaw as amended.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-227-24
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT third reading be given to C-1338-24 - The Shape of Our Community - Municipal Development Plan Bylaw.

    Unanimously Carried

Neil Quaid of Spruce Grove was present to make a statement regarding a redesign of the intersection of Jennifer Heil Way and Tri Leisure Way / Nelson Drive.

Mayor Acker thanked Neil Quaid for attending to speak to Council.

  • Resolution:RCM-228-24
    Moved by:Councillor Oldham

    THAT Council go into Closed Session at 6:40 p.m. under the following sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

    Item 7.1  Brand Strategy Update

    Section 24; Advice from officials
    Section 25; Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body

    Unanimously Carried

Brand Strategy Update
Jennifer Hetherington


The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 7.1 Brand Strategy Update:

Dean Screpnek, David Wolanski, Jamie Doyle, Wendy Boje, Zee Hasan, Jennifer Hetherington, and Cinnamon Toast Consultants, Rachel Kamstra and Andrea Dyer.

Accessibility Initiatives Update
Maggie DesLauriers


To be addressed on the agenda as item 17.1.

Return to Open Session - September 9, 2024

  • Resolution:RCM-229-24
    Moved by:Councillor Carter

    THAT Council move out of Closed Session at 7:03 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried

There was no Business Arising from Closed Session.

There were no Council Presentations on the agenda.

The following presented their corporate plan submissions to Council:

Terry Colburn, Barrhead Animal Rescue Society;
Angela Regier-Cubos, Spruce Grove City Centre Business Association;
Doug Taylor, Men's Shed;
Barb Scully, Tri-CALA; and
Robert Hargreaves and Gloria Theil, Parkland Shotokan Karate Association.

Mayor Acker called a recess at 8:25 p.m.

Mayor Acker reconvened the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

The corporate plan submissions continued:

Neil Hollands, Rotary Club of Spruce Grove and Dianne Meili, Skydancer Indigenous Cultural Centre;
Gerry Lawrence and Teresa Bateman, Spruce Grove and District Agricultural Heritage Society; and
Margaret Carlton, The Welcome Project. 

Council thanked everyone for their presentations.

Sean Renaud, Strategic Initiatives Lead, introduced Board Finance Chair, Jocelyn Wilson and Library Director, Leanne Myggland-Carter.

Jocelyn Wilson and Leanne Myggland-Carter, provided a presentation on the Spruce Grove Public Library Board - 2024 Annual Review and 2025 Budget Presentation.

Council thanked Jocelyn Wilson and Leanne Myggland-Carter for the presentation. 

There were no Administrative Updates on the agenda.



Carissa Chan, Policy Analyst, and Marlin Degrand, Manager of Enforcement Services, presented on C-1358-24 - Community Standards Bylaw Amendment.

Council thanked Carissa Chan and Marlin Degrand for the presentation.

The following motion was approved on the Consent Agenda:

  • THAT first reading be given to C-1358-24 - Community Standards Bylaw Amendment.

  • Resolution:RCM-230-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT second reading be given to C-1358-24 - Community Standards Bylaw Amendment.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-231-24
    Moved by:Councillor Oldham

    THAT unanimous consent be given to proceed with third reading for C-1358-24 - Community Standards Bylaw Amendment.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-232-24
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT third reading be given to C-1358-24 - Community Standards Bylaw Amendment.

    Unanimously Carried

Jamie Doyle, General Manager of Sustainable Growth and Development Services, presented on Housing Accelerator Fund Application - Round Two.

Council thanked Jamie Doyle for the presentation.

  • Resolution:RCM-233-24
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT Council support Administration’s recommendation to forego making application under the second round of Housing Accelerator Funding (HAF2).

    In Favour (5)Mayor Acker, Councillor Oldham, Councillor Stevenson, Councillor Carter, and Councillor MacDonald
    Opposed (1)Councillor Gillett
    Carried (5 to 1)

Councillor Reports updates were provided for information on Boards and Committees attended. 

Councillor Stevenson shared that the Tri Municipal Leisure Facility Corporation Board attended the annual training with the TransAlta Tri Leisure Staff and commended the support of the General Manager, Lenny Richer and team for consistently ensuring that staff is trained to keep the environment as safe as possible.

There were no Information Items on the agenda.

Councillor Carter provided notice of the following motion:

THAT a sponsorship opportunity of up to $5,000 be allocated from the 2024 Council Contingency budget to the Play for EveryBODY - Spruce Grove fundraising campaign.

  • Resolution:RCM-234-24
    Moved by:Councillor Carter

    THAT the September 9, 2024 Regular Council meeting be extended past 11 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Councillor Oldham declared a pecuniary interest on the matter of 17.2 - Land Matter and recused himself by leaving Closed Session at 11 p.m. 

  • Resolution:RCM-235-24
    Moved by:Councillor Carter

    THAT Council go into Closed Session at 10:32 p.m. under the following section of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

    Item 17.1 Accessibility Initiatives Update

    Section 24; Advice from officials

    Item 17.2 Land Matter

    Section 25; Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body

    Unanimously Carried

The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 17.1:

Dean Screpnek, David Wolanski, Jamie Doyle, Wendy Boje, Zeeshan Hasan, Maggie DesLauriers, and Emily Strach.

The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 17.2:

Dean Screpnek, David Wolanski, Jamie Doyle, Wendy Boje, and Zeeshan Hasan.

  • Resolution:RCM-236-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT Council move out of Closed Session at 11:30 p.m. 

    Unanimously Carried

Councillor Oldham returned to the meeting at 11:31 p.m.

Councillor Oldham declared a pecuniary interest in the matter of 18.1 - Land Matter and abstained from the debate and vote by recusing himself by leaving the meeting at 11:32 p.m.

  • Resolution:RCM-237-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT City Administration be directed to enter into the Memorandum of Agreement with Parkland School Division as discussed in Closed Session.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-238-24
    Moved by:Councillor Carter

    THAT City Administration provide a letter to Parkland School Division, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Infrastructure, and the Minister of Treasury Board consenting to the new school being built on Schedule B lands as described in current agreement with Parkland School Division.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-239-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT the Regular Council meeting adjourn at 11:34 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried
No Item Selected