Minutes of the Governance and Priorities Committee

3rd Floor - Council Chambers
315 Jespersen Ave
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3E8
Members Present:
  • Mayor Acker
  • Councillor Carter
  • Councillor Gillett
  • Councillor Houston
  • Councillor MacDonald
  • Councillor Oldham
  • Councillor Stevenson
Also in Attendance:
  • Dean Screpnek, City Manager
  • Corey Levasseur, General Manager of Planning and Infrastructure
  • David Wolanski, General Manager of Community and Protective Services
  • Wendy Boje, General Manager of Corporate Services
  • Deborah Comfort, Director of Recreation and Culture
  • Kevin Stener, Director of Public Works
  • Maggie DesLauriers, Director of Strategy and Policy Development
  • Paul Feser, Civic Centre Development Director
  • Tania Shepherd, Director of Integrated Planning and Strategic Services
  • Amanda Doucette, Supervisor of Communications
  • Avelyn Nicol, Senior Environmental Advisor
  • Amanda Johnson, Community Development and Support Facilitator - Arts, Culture, and Heritage
  • Lindsay O'Mara, City Clerk
  • Jacci Hager, Recording Secretary



Mayor Acker called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and acknowledged that Committee meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 territory.

Councillor Oldham proclaimed June 21, 2023 as National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Wendy Boje, General Manager of Corporate Services, introduced Maggie DesLauriers, Director, Strategy and Policy Development.


  • Resolution:GPC-023-23
    Moved by:Councillor Houston

    The following addition was made to the Agenda:

    City Manager - Unsheltered Update - Administrative Updates - Item 7.2.

    THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.

    Unanimously Carried



There were no Presentations on the agenda.



Deb Comfort, Director of Recreation and Culture, introduced Rebecca New, Executive Director of the Allied Arts Council, and Allison Dakin, local artist and President of the Allied Arts Council, to present the 2022 Allied Arts Council Annual Report and answer questions of Committee.

Committee thanked Rebecca New and Allison Dakin for the presentation.

Avelyn Nicol, Senior Environmental Advisor, introduced Julie Kusiek, Community Engagement Coordinator, Gary Redmond, Executive Director, and Kevin McCullum, Data Manager, of the Alberta Capital Airshed Society to present on the link between air quality and climate change, as well as the work of the committee to address air quality concerns and monitoring in the region and answer questions of Committee.

Committee thanked Julie Kusiek, Gary Redmond, and Kevin McCullum for the presentation.

David Wolanski, General Manager of Community and Protective Services, introduced Inspector McGillivray of the Parkland RCMP Detachment to present on the Spruce Grove Municipal Crime Statistics and answer questions of Committee.

Committee thanked Inspector McGillivray for the presentation.


  • Resolution:GPC-024-23
    Moved by:Councillor Houston

    THAT Council go into Closed Session at 7:16 p.m. under the following section(s) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

    Item 5.1 - Enforcement Issues

    Section 20: disclosure harmful to law enforcement

    Section 24: advice from officials

    Item 5.2 - CP-1048-23 - Respectful Interactions with City Council and Employees Policy

    Section 17: disclosure harmful to personal privacy

    Section 24: advice from officials.

    Unanimously Carried

Enforcement Issues
Dean Screpnek, David Wolanski


The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 5.1 Enforcement Issues:

Dean Screpnek, Corey Levasseur, David Wolanski, Wendy Boje, and Inspector McGillivray.

CP-1048-23 - Respectful Interactions with City Council and Employees
Lindsay O'Mara


The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 5.2 CP-1048-23 - Respectful Interactions with City Council and Employees Policy:

Dean Screpnek, Corey Levasseur, David Wolanski, Wendy Boje, and Lindsay O'Mara.

Return to Open Session - June 19, 2023

  • Resolution:RCM-025-23
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT Council return to Open Session at 9:23 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried

There was no Business Arising from Closed Session.



Paul Feser, Civic Centre Development Director, provided an update on the Civic Centre and answered questions of Committee.



David Wolanksi, General Manager of Community and Protective Services, provided an update on the transition of the Community HUB to the Mobile Outreach Model.



Kevin Stener, Director of Public Works, and Tania Shepherd, Director of Integrated Planning and Strategic Services, presented on the Municipal Solid Waste Utility Bylaw and answered questions of Committee.



Tania Shepherd, Director of Integrated Planning and Strategic Services, presented on the Customer Service and Customer Experience project and answered questions of Committee.

  • Resolution:GPC-026-23
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT Committee recommend to Council that the proposed Customer Experience Policy Statement as outlined in the Request for Decision be approved.

    Unanimously Carried


  • Resolution:GPC-027-23
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT the Governance and Priorities Committee meeting adjourn at 10:57 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried