Minutes of the Governance and Priorities Committee

3rd Floor - Council Chambers
315 Jespersen Ave
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3E8
Members Present:
  • Mayor Acker
  • Councillor Carter
  • Councillor Gillett
  • Councillor Houston
  • Councillor Oldham
  • Councillor MacDonald
  • Councillor Stevenson
Also in Attendance:
  • Dean Screpnek, City Manager
  • David Wolanski, General Manager of Community and Protective Services
  • Mark Hussey, Acting General Manager of Sustainable Growth and Development Services
  • Wendy Boje, General Manager of Strategic and Communication Services
  • Zeeshan Hasan, General Manager of Corporate Services
  • Anthony Lemphers, Director of Finance
  • Carol Bergum, Director of Planning and Development
  • Deborah Comfort, Director of Recreation and Culture
  • Dave Walker, Director of Economic and Business Development
  • Rae-Lynne Spila, Acting Director of Engineering
  • Scott Rodda, Director of Community Social Development
  • Marlin Degrand, Manager of Enforcement Services
  • Jennifer Maskoske, Deputy City Clerk
  • Karen Majeau, Senior Development Officer
  • Kathy Van Wyk, Planning and Development Coordinator
  • Lori Kustra, Supervisor of Development
  • Lindsay O'Mara, City Clerk
  • Karie Nothof, Recording Secretary



Mayor Acker called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and acknowledged that Committee meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 territory.

Councillor Oldham proclaimed April 22 - 26, 2024 as Hydrogen Week.

Dean Screpnek, City Manager, introduced the new General Manager of Corporate Services, Zeeshan Hasan. 


  • Resolution:GPC-012-24
    Moved by:Councillor Houston

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.

    Unanimously Carried



There were no Presentations on the agenda. 



There were no Delegations on the agenda.



Rae-Lynne Spila, Acting Director of Engineering, provided an update on the 2024 Capital Projects - Engineering Update.

Committee thanked Rae-Lynne Spila for the presentation. 

Chad Priebe, Fire Chief, and Marlin Degrand, Manager of Enforcement Services, provided an update on the 2023 Protective Services Annual Report.

Committee thanked Chad Priebe and Marlin Degrand for the presentation.

  • Mayor Acker called a recess at 7:16 p.m.

    Mayor Acker reconvened the meeting at 7:23 p.m.



Jennifer Maskoske, Deputy City Clerk, presented on C-1281-23 - Election Sign Bylaw.

Committee thanked Jennifer Maskoske for the presentation.

Mayor Acker called a recess at 8:02 p.m. 

Mayor Acker reconvened the meeting at 8:08 p.m.

  • Resolution:GPC-013-24
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    That administration be directed to amend C-1281-23 - Elections Sign Bylaw so that the permitted election sign distance of the same candidate be 30m in both medians and boulevards. 

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:GPC-014-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT administration be directed to amend the C-1281-23 - Election Sign Bylaw to allow up to 1m signs on private property 60 days in advance of the election day.

    In Favour (6)Councillor Houston, Mayor Acker, Councillor Oldham, Councillor Stevenson, Councillor Carter, and Councillor Gillett
    Opposed (1)Councillor MacDonald
    Carried (6 to 1)
  • Resolution:GPC-015-24
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT administration be directed to amend C-1281-23 - Election Sign Bylaw so that upon nomination day/election writ day signage be allowed over 1m on private buildings, fences, and non-residential areas and in a standing form. 

    Unanimously Carried

Lee Ann Beaubien, Planner II, Kathy Van Wyk, Planning and Development Coordinator, and Carol Bergum, Director of Planning and Development, presented on C-1313-24 - Hens Bylaw and Hen Program.

Committee thanked Lee Ann Beaubien, Kathy Van Wyk, and Carol Bergum for the presentation.

  • Resolution:GPC-016-24
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT Committee recommend to Council to implement a pilot project for two years for the Hens Program. 

    Unanimously Carried



There were no Business Items on the agenda.


  • Resolution:GPC-017-24
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT Committee go into Closed Session at 9:26 p.m. under the following section(s) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

    Item 8.1 - Economic Development Update 

    Section 25: Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body

    Item 8.2 - Re-Imagined Central Park

    Section 24; Advice from officials

    Section 25: Disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body


    Unanimously Carried

Economic Development Update
Dave Walker


The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 8.1 Economic Development Update:

Dean Screpnek, David Wolanski, Mark Hussey, Wendy Boje, Zeeshan Hasan, and Dave Walker.

Re-Imagined Central Park
Deborah Comfort, Rae-Lynne Spila


The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 8.2 Re-Imagined Central Park:

Dean Screpnek, David Wolanski, Mark Hussey, Wendy Boje, Zeeshan Hasan, Deb Comfort, and Rae-Lynne Spila.

Return to Open Session - April 15, 2024

  • Resolution:GPC-018-24
    Moved by:Councillor Oldham

    THAT Council move out of Closed Session at 10:18 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried

There was no Business Arising from Closed Session.


  • Resolution:GPC-019-24
    Moved by:Councillor Gillett

    THAT the Governance and Priorities Committee meeting adjourn at 10:20 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried