Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council

3rd Floor - Council Chambers
315 Jespersen Ave
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3E8
Members Present:
  • Mayor Acker
  • Councillor Gillett (attended virtually)
  • Councillor Houston (attended virtually)
  • Councillor MacDonald
  • Councillor Oldham
  • Councillor Stevenson
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Carter (Parental Leave)
Also in Attendance:
  • Dean Screpnek, City Manager
  • Corey Levasseur, General Manager of Planning and Infrastructure
  • Deborah Comfort, Acting General Manager of Community and Protective Services
  • Wendy Boje, General Manager of Corporate Services
  • Anthony Lemphers, Chief Financial Officer
  • Dave Walker, Director of Economic and Business Development
  • Amanda Doucette, Supervisor of Communications
  • Emily Strach, Manager Corporate Planning
  • David Towle, Senior Municipal Planner
  • Lindsay O'Mara, City Clerk
  • Jacci Hager, Recording Secretary



Mayor Acker called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and acknowledged that City Council meets on the traditional land of Treaty 6 territory.

Mayor Acker proclaimed September 13 - 19, 2022 as Terry Fox Week in the City of Spruce Grove.


  • Resolution:RCM-191-22
    Moved by:Councillor Oldham

    THAT the agenda be adopted, as amended.

    The following addition was made to the agenda:

    City Manager     Closed Session - Regional Transit Update - Item 15.1.

    Unanimously Carried




  • Resolution:RCM-192-22
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT the recommendations contained in the following reports be approved:

    Item 4.1 Minutes - August 22, 2022 Regular Council Meeting

    Item 10.2 C-1218-22 - Non-Profit Community Organization Exemption Bylaw Amendment - First Reading

    Item 10.3 C-1219-22 - Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Redistricting - 15 Westwind Drive - First Reading

    Unanimously Carried



The following motion was approved on the consent agenda:

  • THAT the August 22, 2022 Regular Council Meeting minutes be approved as presented.



Mayor Acker called the Public Hearing to order at 6:05 p.m. on Bylaw C-1216-22 - Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Redistricting and Text Amendment - Fenwyck Mixed Use.

There were no written or verbal submissions received.

Mayor Acker declared the Public Hearing closed at 6:12 p.m.



Ralph Shaner, of Spruce Grove, attended Council to ask if Council would be open to considering making amendments to the current fire pit regulations.

Mayor Acker provided that Administration has been directed to review the community standard bylaws, that could include such issues as fire smoke and nuisances. Administration provided that there is proposed to be public engagement as part of the process.

Mayor Acker thanked Ralph Shaner for the questions.



There were no Council Presentations on the agenda.





Victor Moroz, City Centre Business Association; Barb Scully, Tri Community Adult Learning Association; Douglas Taylor, Men's Sheds for Health; David Ibsen, Family and Community Twining Society; and Dianne Meili, Skydancer Indigenous Cultural Society; presented their public budget submissions to Council. 

Council thanked everyone for their presentations.

  • Mayor Acker called a recess at 7:46 p.m.

    Mayor Acker reconvened the meeting at 7:53 p.m.

    Councillor Gillett left the meeting at 7:53 p.m.

Wing Witharana, Board Trustee, and Leanne Myggland-Carter, Library Director of the Spruce Grove Public Library, presented the Spruce Grove Public Library's activities and 2023 budget to Council. 

Council thanked Wing Witharana and Leanne Myggland-Carter for the presentation.

Stuart Houston, Chair of the Economic Development Advisory Committee, presented the Committee's recommendation to amend the Land Use Bylaw to allow freestanding billboard-scale signage for major development projects in Spruce Grove to Council. 

Council thanked Stuart Houston for the presentation.

  • Resolution:RCM-193-22
    Moved by:Councillor Houston

    THAT a review be undertaken by Administration of the signage allowed for high visibility major developments under the Land Use Bylaw with a view to permitting freestanding billboard-scale signage at major development sites and that Administration report back to Council with recommendations by October 24, 2022.

    Unanimously Carried



There were no Administrative Updates on the agenda.


  • Resolution:RCM-194-22
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT second reading be given to Bylaw C-1216-22 - Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Redistricting and Text Amendment - Fenwyck Mixed Use.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-195-22
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT third reading be given to Bylaw C-1216-22 - Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Redistricting and Text Amendment - Fenwyck Mixed Use.

    Unanimously Carried

The following motion was approved on the consent agenda:

  • THAT first reading be given to Bylaw C-1218-22 - Non-Profit Community Organization Exemption Bylaw Amendment.

  • Resolution:RCM-196-22
    Moved by:Councillor Oldham

    THAT second reading be given to Bylaw C-1218-22 - Non-Profit Community Organization Exemption Bylaw Amendment.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-197-22
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT unanimous consent be given for consideration of third reading to Bylaw C-1218-22 - Non-Profit Community Organization Exemption Bylaw Amendment.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-198-22
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT third reading be given to Bylaw C-1218-22 - Non-Profit Community Organization Exemption Bylaw Amendment.

    Unanimously Carried

The following motion was approved on the consent agenda:

  • THAT first reading be given to Bylaw C-1219-22 - Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Redistricting - 15 Westwind Drive.




  • Resolution:RCM-199-22
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT CP-1039-22 - Proclamation Policy be approved.

  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT CP-1039-22 - Proclamation Policy be amended to add the following Standing Proclamation to section 4.1:

    International Day of Persons with Disabilities - December 3.

    Unanimously Carried
  • Resolution:RCM-199-22 As amended
    Moved by:Councillor Stevenson

    THAT CP-1036-22 - Proclamation Policy be approved, as amended.

    Unanimously Carried



There were no Councillor Reports on the agenda.



There were no Information Items on the agenda.



There were Notices of Motions provided.


  • Resolution:RCM-201-22
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT Council go into Closed Session at 9:01 p.m. under the following sections of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

    Item 15.1  Regional Transit Update

    Section 21; disclosure harmful to intergovernmental relations

    Section 25; disclosure harmful to economic and other interests of a public body

    Unanimously Carried

Regional Transit Update


The following persons were also in Closed Session to provide information or administrative support for item 15.1 Regional Transit Update:

Dean Screpnek, Corey Levasseur, Wendy Boje, Anthony Lemphers, and Bill Sabey.

Return to Open Session - September 12, 2022

  • Resolution:RCM-202-22
    Moved by:Councillor Oldham

    THAT Council return to Open Session at 10 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried



There was no Business Arising from Closed Session.


  • Resolution:RCM-203-22
    Moved by:Councillor MacDonald

    THAT the Regular Meeting adjourn at 10:01 p.m.

    Unanimously Carried
No Item Selected